Hong Kong CensusPro Hong Kong CensusPro 2001 is a powerful cost-effective business tool that gives you access to the valuable population statistics of Hong Kong.
Identifying demographic trends
Maximizing your potential customer base
Effectively planning and allocating resources
Improving your organizations objectives by integrating your own corporate data with census information
Identify business opportunities and improving your corporate profile and in many other ways
It helps you to discover trends and patterns within the population geographically.
It allows you to analyze data according to your own business criteria.
You can also overlay your own data on top of the demographic data, and determine the relationships between your data and the distribution of the population.
Census data for Hong Kong includes
Over 400 Statistical Tables
Census Boundaries:
District Board Districts Constituency Areas
Tertiary Planning Units
Large Tertiary Planning Units
Small Tertiary Planning Units
Large Street Block Groups Small Street Block Groups
New Towns
Housing Estates